Discovering Joyful Movement with Kasey Shuler


  1. I appreciate what you are trying to do with your podcast and take away something from every episode.

    I went To the Revelation Wellness website. While I very much appreciate the spiritual content, the recommendations of cleanses, diets, and references to “obesity” certainly do not conform to the intent of HAES or Intuitive Eating in its true form and are problematic. I recognize the difficulty of finding resources for Christian followers of IE. However, at the very least I suggest sharing such content with trigger warnings and cautionary notes. Be specific about where they depart from HAES and IE. When you state that you “love” them, you are unintentionally affirming ALL of their messages. I signed up for the 21 day challenge – which I will do, but references in the videos and other episodes to “this is not for exercise” and “this is a beginning” would be difficult for many and send them back into the place of shame of not doing enough.

    Thank you.

    1. Hi Miki. Thank you for bringing this up with us, your point is very well taken! We have updated the show notes to include a trigger warning for Revelation Wellness. I appreciate your heart and concern for others and your sharp eyes in detecting diet culture messaging, it blesses us all!

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