By Category

Show notes with links to listen to each podcast episode of Intuitive Eating for Christian Women.

blog posts
Blog posts for Intuitive Eating for Christian Women podcast, including articles, devotionals and more.

Choosing Trust Over Control with Lisa Michelle Jones
In Episode 65 the Intuitive Eating for Christian Women podcast our guest Lisa Michelle Jones shares her testimony of eating disorder recovery and explains how embracing our authentic identity helps build up the kingdom of God and the Body of Christ.

Freedom in Surrender with Ashley Smith
In this episode of Intuitive Eating for Christian Women our guest Ashley Smith shares her story of control and surrender, and her experience of healing Hypothalamic Amenorrhea (HA), getting her period back and restoring ovulation through intuitive eating and faith.

Managing Chronic Health Conditions through Intuitive Eating with Brooke Fredrickson
In Episode 63 of the Intuitive Eating for Christian Women podcast, Brooke Fredrickson RD shares about how dieting actually wreaks havoc on our health and her personal and professional experience in managing chronic health conditions through intuitive eating.

Discovering Intuitive Movement with Tricia Hicks
In Episode 62 of the Intuitive Eating for Christian Women podcast, Tricia Hicks shares her testimony of healing from eating disorders and discovering intuitive eating and intuitive movement.

Feed Yourself with Leslie Schilling
In this episode of Intuitive Eating for Christian Women our guest Leslie Schilling shares about her latest book Feed Yourself and explains why we should step away from the lies of diet culture and into our divine design. In this thought-provoking conversation, Leslie unpacks the influence of diet culture in the church and helps us navigate it with truth and compassion.